It’s that time of year again! Last year I did resolutions a little differently, and I kind of liked it. [ Read about it –> How To Keep Your New Year Resolutions ]. I used to try and work on all of these resolutions at the first of the year, but I’ve learned how overwhelming and unproductive it can be. Last year I broke up my resolutions by month (ex. January I’ll focus on saving money, February I’ll focus on going to the gym, and so on…). I found this really worked because I wasn’t just trying to solve a quick problem, but I was creating new habits for myself. When you go to the gym 3 times a week for a month it then just becomes a part of your routine.
I’m a well known procrastinator, especially when my plate is full. Are you guys like that too!? If not, I envy you. This method allows me to not be overwhelmed, but make the changes I need to make. I’ve decided to do a blog post each month I set a resolution, and then the next blog post I will follow up on the prior month’s resolution. I won’t have a post every month because I don’t have 12 resolutions, but here are the resolutions I’m hoping to work on in 2019:
2019 Resolutions:
1. Post Monday-Friday on blog Instagram and Monday Wednesday Friday on boutique Instagram
2. Post once a week minimum on my blog
3. Go to the gym 3 times a week
4. Cut useless spending
These are in no particular order, but these are some things I feel I need to work on. What are some of your resolutions? I always love hearing other peoples’ resolutions because it gives me more ideas.
Stay tuned for more in depth posts about these topics! Hope you all have a great holiday!
2019 resolutions connecticut blogger CT Blogger ct fashion blogger Fashion Blogger how to keep your new year resolutions Jenna LeeAnn new year resolutions resolutions
Short and sweet – I LOVE IT! I should’ve added the useless spending portion to my resolutions!
Awww thank you! Yes I do way too much useless spending especially at Target hahaha!