Please someone explain to me how the months are ending so quickly. Can you believe it’s March already? I’m just happy I made it through the coldest month in Connecticut. Spring comes this month and daylight savings is only a little over a week away! Longer days, more sun, and a refreshed closet! I am so ready to get to the warmer days.
Looking back at my February goal (READ IT HERE) about budgeting and planning, I am proud of how far I’ve come. I was able to pay off all of my health debt last month. It’s exciting to check off a list of debt!
Now for my March goal, I’m planning to focus on positive thinking and a healthy mindset. It’s a more personal post than I usually do, but I really hope you enjoy it. January I talked about focusing on my personal health, but now I need to focus on being healthy in all ways. This past year I’ve really seen and felt what negativity can do to your mind. whether it’s being surrounded by negative people, or being surrounded by people who don’t have your best interest at heart, it can really take a toll on your mind.
I was starting to think, what do I have to do differently to get back to my happy self? After months and months of pondering “what am I doing wrong” “why am I treated like this” and “why do these things happen to me”, I’ve come to the realization that it’s not always a me problem, and I’m not alone. There are plenty of people who suffer through bad friendships, unhappy jobs, and loss of loved ones. I had a hard time understanding that these things didn’t happen because of who I am as a person, but they happened to teach me lessons. That’s where the good in this whole situation is.
Paying attention to the lessons like ‘don’t keep toxic people around because you feel bad’ and ‘find what makes you happy and run with it because everything will work out the way it’s supposed to’ are what keep me at my best self. It’s so easy to sulk in the negative thoughts, but that won’t help you get through the tough times.
This month I’m focusing on becoming fully positive. Taking all the negative thoughts and words out of my body, and only leaving room for what will make me the person I want to be. I have been watching a lot of Law of Attraction videos (thanks to my brother’s suggestion) on YouTube, and it’s amazing how easy it is to change your mindset during that 25 minute video. If you just search ‘Law of Attraction’ on YouTube, they are ALL great videos (which is why I’m not suggesting one). I honestly plan to watch a different one each day before bed.
The best time to watch these videos are right before bed because it helps you to unwind, relax, clear your mind, and help you dream about good things. I have woken up the next day feeling great. My challenge is to do this every single day in March, and see how I’m feeling a the end of the month. Anxiety is a tough thing to deal with, and sure I can take the easy way out through medication, but not only do I not want to depend on a pill everyday, but I also know you can change your mindset by digging into your conscience and understanding how to rewire your thoughts.
I’m willing to give this a shot, and I can’t wait to tell you all my progress next month! If it works, I can’t wait to tell you all so hopefully it can help some of you as well. Negativity is natural and it surrounds us all, but we can get through it.
Thank you all for reading! What’s your top suggestion for a healthy mindset?
Also, if you’re interested in this sweater, go get it at Gap! I have looked EVERYWHERE online and cannot find it which to me is crazy because I just bought it yesterday and it’s a new item. I will keep my eye on it and let you know if it pops up online! Make sure you’re following me on Instagram because that’s where I’ll announce when I find it!
Fashion Blogger Healthy Mindset How to become positive how to get rid of negativity Jenna LeeAnn lifestyle blogger March Goal Positive Thinking Positivity
I really LOVE that sweater!!!
Awww thank you!! Me too!!!