DISCLAIMER: This post was not written by www.jennaleeann.com. Enjoy!
How we look on the outside is important yet it is our inner beauty that resonates with most people. That said, we are perhaps so busy creating a desirable external image that we often forget the paradigm that “it’s what’s inside that counts”.
In a similar way to how some people focus on amassing money, spending their time comparing cryptocurrency trends such as litecoin vs ethereum rather than working on themselves internally, thinking that money is the answer to their problems; some people do this with beauty and their external appearance.
There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a nice haircut, and it’s important to look after your physical appearance… but have you ever noticed a stunningly attractive person who exudes a negative energy? Compare this to a wrinkly old lady with a crumpled up face that has kind eyes and a heart-warming smile.
A person’s true beauty if much more than skin deep, so here are three ways to improve your beauty from the inside out:
The benefits of smiling and laughter are huge. They include greater immunity, hormone regulation, and even a longer life. Try smiling. Even if you don’t feel like smiling – just changing your physiology triggers certain neurotransmitters to fire in the brain, that indicates to your brain, that you must be happy — the brain therefore goes into that state of happiness. You can essentially trick your brain into thinking you are happy even when you’re not.
Laughter is contagious. It can not only lead to you feeling better but it causes a chain-reaction in that it infects those around you. Have you ever started to laugh, for no reason, just because someone else is laughing so hard — ever heard the phrase “he’s got a contagious laugh” — how do you feel around people who are smiling and laughing all the time? You naturally want to be around them, right, which is a definition of attractiveness.
Leave people, places and things better than you find them. Have a positive impact on everyone that you come into contact with; whether that’s through something as simple and implicit as a well-intentioned smile or an explicit compliment to brighten their day. Interact with people in an uplifting way that brings joy into their life.
Feeling beautiful on the inside has a lot to do with how you treat others as well as how you treat yourself. Be kind to people. Be generous. Focus on creating value for others and see your relationships as a place to “give” rather than “get”. Whether this is as simple as giving someone a little encouragement, holding a door open, giving up your seat, offering a compliment or donating to someone in need.
There is a saying by Tony Robbins, that the “secret to living is giving” and the most fulfilled people are those that give the most; whether this is on a financial level, an emotional level, or a practical level. There is an important principle to remember though, in terms of giving, which is that you must first give to yourself – even on an airplane you are advised to tend to your own oxygen mask first. The aim is to be so “full” yourself that you are brimming over with abundance to help others.
In summary, our external appearance matters – but what matters more is how we feel about ourselves and no matter what expensive concealer we use, if we’re not beautiful on the inside, it will come out – like toxins seeping through our pores.
CT Blogger Fashion Blogger how to work on your inner beauty Jenna LeeAnn
Wonderful post!!
Thanks for reading!!!