It seems like there’s never enough time in the day. Whether you spend your day running from one board meeting to another, or are in constant motion at home, taking care of your family, you’ll love these health hacks from London x city. They’ll help you save time and prevent you from avoiding the gym. You won’t have any more excuses for avoiding your morning workouts.
1) Take The Time To Smell A Freshly Peeled Orange
This sound strange, but it can actually invigorate you. (On top of that, you’ll want to eat the orange afterward, which is a healthy practice.) Studies have shown that citrus scents can lower your stress and anxiety levels by up to 70%. They really do relieve daily tensions and can provide a little boost of energy. An orange in the morning can really set the tone for your workout.
2) Turn Your Hairstyling Habits Into a Workout
It’s pretty ingenious. If you spend a lot of time blow drying and straightening your hair, turn those actions into a workout of sorts. How? By strapping weights to your wrists before you pick up your hair appliances. The weights don’t need to be heavy, simple one pound weights will work just fine. Since the average hair styling session takes at least 20 minutes, your triceps will get a workout before you’re ready for the gym. After the first five minutes, you won’t even remember that those weights on there.
3) Turn Your Gym Gear Into Pajamas
We aren’t advocating for sleeping in your sneakers and headphones. Instead, just wear your standard workout clothing to bed. You’ll be able to jump out of bed, throw on your shoes, and be ready to go. If you’re one of those people who need an additional excuse to get moving (and exercising) in the morning, then this might be just what you need. You’ll wake up and think “well, I’m already dressed for that run, so I might as well do it.”
4) Have A Glass of Cherry Juice
Why cherry juice? This beverage contains a number of health benefits, from helping you sleep better (it naturally contains melatonin) to antioxidants that can help your body heal. This beverage is fairly tart, so you might be tempted to add sugar to it. However, you shouldn’t, since that added sugar can be bad for you. It’s just one more thing to have to work off in the morning. Instead, drink your cherry juice and then follow it up some water.
5) Come Up With A Great Motivational Playlist
You need a good playlist that can really help you work out. Instead of switching songs every so often, while stopping to look at the clock, instead plan out your workout jams ahead of time. You probably already know how long your workout will last, so develop a playlist in advance that extends for that exact time. You’ll get so lost in the music that you won’t notice that you’re working out, which is the entire plan from London x city!
Blogger CT Blogger Guest Post healthy hacks for women healthy women Jenna LeeAnn
I’ll have to try that cherry juice!😉