Hello all!
My blog is one of the most important things in my life. It is SO hard-working on it while working crazy hours at my job, and finding an aligning time to do a photoshoot with someone(usually Carlie, thanks girl!). I started www.jennaleeann.com in December 2012. It has been very on and off while I’ve been working in the industry in different positions. My blog has grown so much, and has gotten so many opportunities that I can’t take because there is simply no great time to fulfill the needs. Now my blog is in a great spot, and I’m ready to take a chance on it. My blog will be on pause for the next month while I work everything out, but I’m so excited to start putting my energy into my true passion. I have now hired on a photographer, so my posts will be consistent and I can always be proud of my content. I am a huge perfectionist, and I want my blog to represent who I am the best way possible! Starting in June, there WILL be a post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Stay tuned for all of the updates! For now, I will still be active on all social media (linked to the right)
All social media handles –> @jennaleeannllc
Please feel free to e-mail me at jennaleeannllc@yahoo.com with any collab/sponsorship questions in the mean time!
Looking forward to it!!
Thank you!!