Disclaimer: This post was not written by www.jennaleeann.com ! Enjoy!
In a world where plastic surgery and magical potions are promoted as quick fixes to staying beautiful, and in particular, looking younger, it’s worth considering the six steps below to look younger naturally without the need for cosmetic intervention or getting caught up in the latest marketing hype.
If you want to dazzle like the diamonds found at https://www.whiteflash.com/about-diamonds/diamond-education/vvs-diamonds-1600.htm there are some simple steps you can take that don’t require much money, time, or effort.
Experts recommend we have between six and nine hours sleep each night. If you’re a light sleeper then you might want to consider hypnotherapy or guided relaxation videos on YouTube to ensure you’re getting the deep sleep you require, where your brain frequency slows down sufficiently to fully replenish and repair you body.
It can take up to 6 weeks to feel the effects of getting a good night’s sleep, but once you do, you will see a reduction in the dark circles around your eyes and will feel a profound increase in your energy levels. A good way to make sure you fall asleep on time is to slowly wind down your evening. Try not to watch TV, or be on your phone or laptop, just before going to bed; many experts recommend reading from a book (not a backlit digital device) as a good way to wind down.
We all know it’s important to moisturize and replenish our skin on a daily basis to keep it soft and looking young, you might therefore want to consider moisturizing with a natural and organic product like aloe vera. However, moisturization isn’t the only aspect of skin care; it’s important you cleanse and tone too. A further consideration, if you wear make-up, is that you remove the make up each night in order to avoid clogged pores.
Getting up and doing some cardiovascular exercise doesn’t mean you have to suddenly turn into a gym bunny; this could be as simple as starting your day off with a brisk walk. Not only does exercise help keep you lean, and mentally sharp, it has been proven to boost your energy levels which will ensure you feel young as well as look younger. If you don’t fancy going to your local gym, then head out for a walk or run with your music or get a group of friends together in order to motivate each other.
If you prefer to exercise from home https://www.lesmillsondemand.com/ offers some great workout videos that are of classes you normally can only do in the gym.
Very few of us drink enough water, on a daily basis, yet drinking water is absolutely vital for the function of all our organs… and in particular, staying hydrated really helps our skin, as dehydration often leads to tired looking dull skin. In fact, did you know that one of the causes for dark circles around your eyes is due to dehydration – which is why they tend to be much more pronounced when hungover.
Getting a trendy haircut isn’t only great for your self-esteem and personal pride, it’s a fantastic way to look and feel younger. It’s important to have an age appropriate haircut, as otherwise it’ll have the opposite effect – and, depending on your age, it could make you look like you’re the victim of a midlife crisis. Keeping on top of your personal appearance is one of the most fundamental things you can do to look and feel younger.
Blogger how to look younger Jenna LeeAnn
All good advice!!😉👍
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