Another year has passed, faster than the last (did not plan on that rhyming…). But really, I cannot believe it’s already almost 2019! It has been an amazing year full of amazing memories and dreams coming true!

Brought in the new year with family and friends and the love of my life! Happy 2018!
Outfit Of The Month:

Watched my nephew turn 1 year old! Such a cute little boy, love him to death!
Outfit Of The Month:

Reunited with friends and enjoyed some drinks! But mostly stayed inside because it’s always too cold in March, haha.
Outfit Of The Month:

Chris and I hosted our first holiday together in our house. Success!

Celebrated my besties birthday at the casino!

Had a fun girls night with all of my besties!

Got a last-minute flight to Miami to celebrate my besties bachelorette party! So happy I was able to go!!
Outfit Of The Month:

Celebrated Memorial Day at my Mom’s beach house with the family!
Outfit Of The Month:

Celebrated Tess’s bridal shower!

Enjoyed many days of kayaking with Chris and Oscar.

Surprised Chris with a backyard birthday party!

Enjoyed celebrating Paul and Lily’s wedding.
Outfit Of The Month:

Celebrated Melissa’s bridal shower in Mystic, CT.

Enjoyed a night full of laughs at Comix comedy club at Mohegan Sun.

Danced my butt off at Tess and Alex’s wedding.
Outfit Of The Month:

Spent the weekend in Portland, Maine with my love.
Outfit Of The Month:

Enjoyed some pumpkin beer at the Big E with the crew.

Flew to Georgia for Sam and Emily’s wedding! Such a fun weekend, can’t wait to go back.

Had some fun at Ricky’s fashion show with my blogger friends! Rockin’ my Alice and Olivia dress.
Outfit Of The Month:

Spent the weekend in Vermont with Chris and my family! LOOK AT THAT FOLIAGE!
Outfit Of The Month:

LAUNCHED MY ONLINE BOUTIQUE!!! Definitely my favorite memory of the year!

Chris threw me a surprise party at Dave and Busters! SO FUN!!! Yay for 26.

Also enjoyed a birthday celebration at Thomas Hooker Brewery!

Had a ton of fun at Mike and Melissa’s wedding!

Ate too much food on Thanksgiving, but also loved seeing my nephew as always!
Outfit Of The Month:

I WENT BLONDE! Before and after. Done my @blownawaybyshannon .
Outfit Of The Month:
Though the year isn’t over yet, I’ve enjoyed looking through the memories of this past year. I’m excited to celebrate Christmas next week with my loved ones and then have a relaxing New Year’s eve with my love! What was your favorite memory from this year? Mine was definitely opening my boutique. It has always been my biggest dream! Cheers to the best 2019 to all of you!
2018 recap a year in review Blogger connecticut blogger connecticut fashion blogger CT Blogger Fashion Blogger Jenna LeeAnn lifestyle blogger
Looks like you had such a great year!
Hope 2019 is even better!
Thank you so much girl!! Such a great year. Thank you for your help with my boutique as well! Can’t wait for the next big photoshoot! Will definitely be calling you! Hope you had a great new year 🙂 <3