I spent my Friday night with a bunch of my blogger friends roaming around downtown West Hartford. We were having so much fun, time wasn’t even thought of. When you can find people who share the same passion as you, there is just nothing like it!
To all of you bloggers out there, I’ve rounded up my top reasons why you should have blogger friends! If you don’t know any other bloggers, reach out to some bloggers from your area. It’s very rare that I’ve met bloggers who are just not interested in making friends!
10 Reasons To Have Blogger Friends:
They don’t judge you
You Can Take Each Others Pictures and Know The Angles
YOU ALL Understand The Stress
THEY Support You and Empower You
BLOGGERS Motivate You/share the same passion
eating out is Easier (Because they will take flatlays with you)
you can SHARE TIPS AND TRICKS with each other
Promote each other
Attend Events Together
Have a new best friend
These of course are only some of the reasons why you should try to make friends with other bloggers. They say you become like the 5 people you hang out with most. Think about how powerful you could be if you surrounded yourself around like-minded motivating people. To me, nothing inspires me more than a night out with my blogging girls. So reach out to others on social media or on their blog posts and be genuine and get to know them! There is enough room on this internet for us all. I don’t think of blogging as having ‘competition’ because it’s more of a community.
10 reasons to have blogger friends blogger friends connecticut blogger CT Blogger Fashion Blogger Jenna LeeAnn lifestyle blogger why you should have blogger friends
Great post…always nice to make new friends!❤
It’s such a great feeling when you make new friends who share the same passion! Thanks for reading and commenting! 🙂
Oh my gosh, I looooove this post girly! I couldn’t agree more with number 6! I have one friend that I drive crazy every time I want to take pictures of the food.
xo Logan
Awww thanks love!!! Yess haha my boyfriend is always like, really!? Can we just eat!? Hahahaha. Thanks for reading 😘